The Creek is BLITZED!

BioBlitzers Sheri and Mike Briggs

The most inspiring aspect of False Creek BioBlitz 2022 was that people really wanted to volunteer – there was an almost instinctive sense that this much maligned and abused sliver of the magnificent Salish Sea deserved real TLC. The time was right and so many people stepped forward. For weeks preceding the ‘Blitz, Sheri, Mike, and daughter Zoey Briggs tended one of Hakai Institute’s 24 Light Traps arrayed up and down the coast.

Swim Drink Fish stewards Alicia, Gabriela & Kaitlyn at Light Trap

Every single participant realized that this was real, meaningful conservation work. Everyone who participated knew that their efforts would help the Hakai and Biologica experts identify the current health of False Creek.

And those conclusions will fuel FCFS conservation activities ahead. Do the results – expected in late Winter, 2022, support marine restoration efforts like the planting of eelgrass? Might the introduction of artificial habitats to encourage the population of mussels be one way to reduce human-introduced pollutants in the Creek?

We are soon to find out.

Marine pollution scientist Dr. Vicki Marlatt on a walking tour of False Creek

And when it came to launching the BioBlitz itself – volunteers and scientists showed up in force, to share their commitment to conservation in a very public way. We are so grateful to the amazing turnout and all the conversations that were inspired!

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