The weather was not ideal but it wasn’t too bad either. A cool 11C degrees, a slight wind and on and off sprinkles. But nonetheless, the Dragon Boat Burnwater Regatta event near Science World went ahead and so did our tabling just in front of False Creek.
Armed with our James Matthews’ map of the region and a couple of posters from our “Lessa Exhibit”, Kira and Deborah, with the help of Auston, chatted with our local community about the state of False Creek and what we, as False Creek Friends, are doing to help restore it.

As we discovered from the BioBlitz, many were excited, and relieved, to learn that marine life is coming back to False Creek. Several of the people who stopped by the table told us they had been paddling in False Creek for years and noted the difference between then and now in terms of water quality and biodiversity. So good to hear!
We were also heartened by all those who asked us how they could help and queried us about volunteer opportunities. We were quick to tell them about all the exciting projects we’re involved in with our partners, like the Light Trap project with the Hakai Institute, the Healthy Waters project with Raincoast Foundation and the Fliter Feeders project with Nature Vancouver. The Light Trap project is up and running for the summer and more information about it can be found on our website here: More opportunities will become available as the other projects get going so stay tuned.
It is great to know that so many people in the False Creek area are watching the waters, noting the issues and wanting to do what they can to help mother nature continue to heel herself. There is still so much to do but it is so good to know we are not alone and our efforts do not go unnoticed.
Thank you to everyone who showed up today and shared your thoughts with us. We are humbled by your care and concern for the preciousness of the place we too call home, False Creek.