For many years, conservation organizations such as Swim Drink Fish and Squamish Streamkeepers have been working diligently to understand what exactly what kinds of environmental stressors are at work in False Creek and what needs to be done to alert the public that significant changes need to be made. In 2023, False Creek Friends, in collaboration with Raincoast Conservation Foundation, Sea Village, and the False Creek Watershed Society, will begin an investigation into what kinds of pollution from storm sewers and the 15 “ghost creeks” are entering False Creek. We hope to get community members out in the field this Spring to trace specific pollutants. From ongoing investigations, it is well-known that Vancouver’s storm sewers are subject to overflows that contain fecal matter from domestic sewers. But there are other hazards to marine life, such as microfibers originating from ordinary home laundry rooms, and really bad stuff coming from automotive tires. We are currently discussing a citizen science project with Metro Vancouver and the City of Vancouver, to investigate the entire False Creek watershed.
Negative comments about water quality have been common – at least since the 1930’s. (The rude nickname for False Creek (see left) was clearly not undeserved. )
This 2001 BC Government study is, well, rather shocking:
“All of the various PAH species at all of the False Creek sampling sites were present in concentrations which exceeded the applicable objectives for the protection of aquatic life, by factors ranging between about 4 and 2500 times.”
Assessment of Burrard Inlet Water and Sediment Quality 2000
And yet, according to Swim Drink Fish (SDF), which publishes the vitally-important Swim Guide for 8,000 beaches worldwide, some of False Creek waters are safe to swim in, some of the time. Along with the weekly sampling conducted by SDF, a complementary citizen-led investigation under the guidance of Raincoast Conservation Foundation, will lead to heightened public awareness. With all these efforts, we will be on the way to making False Creek swimmable all the time.
It may take a couple more generations – but it will happen.
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